What is Pigment Reductions?
Pigment Reduction focuses on reducing the appearance of sunspots, freckles, acne scars, and Melasma. Reducing certain types of pigmentation is a process that can help leave you feeling more comfortable in your skin. Wyoming Medical Wellness center is happy to provide services to help you reduce certain pigmentations.
Reducing Pigment with ICON Laser
The ICON laser system provides pigment reduction by utilizing two laser wavelengths. Reducing the appearance of pigmented skin. The procedure is non-invasive and requires little downtime. It may take multiple sessions to completely reduce the pigmentation.
Result of Pigment Reduction Treatment
Your ICON session may result in some initial swelling, redness, or darkening of the skin. This is completely normal and will go away in a while. Once healed the pigment will be noticeably lighter.
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